Tilgul (Sesame) Laddoo

Til=sesame, gul=jaggery and Laddoo=balls. Sesame laddoos are prepared with white sesame, jaggery. Additionally, you can use roasted peanut powder. These laddoos are specially made for one of the Indian festivals known as Makara Sankrant which falls on 14th January every year.


  • 1 cup white sesame seeds
  • ¾ cup jaggery
  • ¼ tsp oil


  • Dry roast sesame seeds on low flame until it changes color
  • Keep it aside
  • Take a pan and add oil and jaggery to it and heat.
  • Jaggery will start melting. Some people add water or milk to it. But I do not use any of it.
  • Once the jaggery syrup starts bubbling, add roasted sesame seeds. Mix and cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the flame.
  • Other method: Take raw sesame seeds and jaggery together in a pan, add oil and heat the mixture with continuous stirring.
  • When the mixture is still hot, start making balls.
  • You can use a spoon to scoop the mixture and with wet hands, give it the round shape.
  • If the mixture cools down by the time to finish making, you can reheat the mixture. Laddoo can not be made if the mixture cools down.
  • Store in an airtight jar at room temperature.

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