Indian Mango Pickles

Indian pickles have a wide range of flavors and textures. They provide additional flavor to food. Pickle is known as Achaar (in Hindi), avakaya (Telugu), Lonche (Marathi), etc. Green mango is commonly used but other ingredients are also used like gooseberry, lemon, lime, and many other vegetables. 

Traditionally, chopped mangos are pickled with spices and oil in a large ceramic pot known as barni. The ingredients ferment as the mango pickle ages and develop tons of flavors and deliciousness. Pickles can be both sour and sweet as well as spicy.

Each family has its own recipe suited to its taste buds. These pickle recipes are shared by my sister-in-law.

6 types of pickle recipes:

  1. Mango Hot Pickle
  2. Mango Non-hot Pickle
  3. Mango Ginger Pickle
  4. Mango Coconut Pickle
  5. Mango Masala Pickle
  6. Mango Sweet Pickle

1. Mango Hot Pickle:


  • 1 kg Sour green mango pieces
  • 100 gm Red chili powder (Three mango brand)
  • 200 gm Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 100 gm Mustard seed powder
  • 5 tsp Cumin powder
  • 1 tsp Fenugreek powder


  • Choose sour green mangoes. Wash and cut them into cubes. Remove seeds inside. Again, wash and drain them and keep them aside.
  • Make sure they are dry. If needed, use the cloth piece to make them dry.
  • Dry roast fenugreek seeds until they change color. Make a fine powder once they cool down.
  • Take a big pot, and add mango pieces to it.
  • Add all the above-mentioned ingredients one by one and mix well.
  • Transfer this mixture to a clay or glass jar and place the lid tightly.
  • Keep it in a dark place for three days.
  • After three days, open the jar, mix all the ingredients well and add salt if needed.
  • It tastes better and better as it gets older/marinated.

2. Mango Non-hot Pickle


  • 1 kg Sour green mango pieces
  • 150 gm Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 100 gm Mustard seeds
  • 150 gm sesame powder
  • 5 tsp Cumin powder
  • ¼ cup Fenugreek seeds
  • 250 ml Peanut oil
  • Add boiled-cooled water
  • Garlic cloves


  • Choose sour green mangoes. Wash and cut them into cubes. Remove seeds inside. Again, wash and drain them and keep them aside.
  • Make sure they are dry. If needed, use the cloth piece to make them dry.
  • Dry roast fenugreek seeds until they change color. Make a fine powder once they cool down.
  • Similarly, dry roast sesame seeds until they change color. Make a fine powder once they cool down.
  • Boil 3 glasses of water and then cool it down.
  • Take a pan, add oil, and heat it. Once the oil is hot, add 2-3 tsp mustard seeds and 2-3 tsp cumin seeds and let them crackle. Let this oil cool down too.
  • Take a big pot, and add all the ingredients, cooled down oil as well as cooled down water, and mix well to make a thin paste.
  • Lastly, add mango pieces to it and mix well.
  • Add all the above-mentioned ingredients one by one and mix well.
  • Transfer this mixture to a clay or glass jar and place the lid tightly.
  • Keep it in a dark place for three days.
  • After three days, open the jar, mix all the ingredients well and add salt if needed.
  • It tastes better and better as it gets older/marinated.

3. Mango Ginger Pickle


  • 1 kg Sour green mango pieces
  • 250 gm Ginger
  • 250 gm garlic cloves
  • 100 gm Red chili powder (Three mango brand)
  • 200 gm Salt
  • ¼ cup Cumin powder
  • 1 tsp Fenugreek powder
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 500 ml Peanut oil


  • Choose sour green mangoes. Wash and cut them into cubes. Remove seeds inside. Again, wash and drain them and keep them aside.
  • Make sure they are dry. If needed, use the cloth piece to make them dry.
  • Dry roast fenugreek seeds until they change color. Make a fine powder once they cool down.
  • Wash and peel the skin off from ginger
  • Remove the skin of garlic cloves
  • Make a coarse paste of ginger-garlic and keep it aside
  • Take a pan, add oil, and heat it. Once the oil is hot, add 2-3 tsp mustard seeds and 2-3 tsp cumin seeds and let them crackle. Let this oil cool down too.
  • Take a big pot, add all the ingredients, cooled down the oil, and mix well to make a  paste.
  • Lastly, add mango pieces to it and mix well.
  • Transfer this mixture to a clay or glass jar and place the lid tightly.
  • Keep it in a dark place for three days.
  • After three days, open the jar, mix all the ingredients well and add salt if needed.
  • It tastes better and better as it gets older/marinated.

4. Mango Coconut Pickle


  • 1 kg Sour green mango pieces
  • 100 gm Red chili powder (Three mango brand)
  • 200 gm Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 5 tsp Cumin powder
  • 1 tsp Fenugreek powder
  • 100 gm Mustard powder
  • 250 gm dried coconut-coarse powder
  • 3 glasses of water (boiled and cooled)


  • Choose sour green mangoes. Wash and cut them into cubes. Remove seeds inside. Again, wash and drain them and keep them aside.
  • Make sure they are dry. If needed, use the cloth piece to make them dry.
  • Dry roast fenugreek seeds until they change color. Make a fine powder once they cool down.
  • Boil 3 glasses of water and let it cool down
  • Take a big pot, add all the ingredients, and water, and mix well to make a paste.
  • Lastly, add mango pieces to it and mix well.
  • Transfer this mixture to a clay or glass jar and place the lid tightly.
  • Keep it in a dark place for three days.
  • After three days, open the jar, mix all the ingredients well and add salt if needed.

5. Mango Masala Pickle


  • 1 kg Sour green mango pieces
  • 100 gm Red chili powder (Three mango brand)
  • 200 gm Salt
  • 1 cup Cumin powder
  • 1 cup sesame powder
  • 1 cup peanut powder
  • 1 cup Coriander powder
  • 250 ml Peanut oil
  • Boiled-cooled water


  • Choose sour green mangoes. Wash and cut them into cubes. Remove seeds inside. Again, wash and drain them and keep them aside.
  • Make sure they are dry. If needed, use the cloth piece to make them dry.
  • Dry roast sesame, cumin, peanuts, and coriander separately and make a fine powder of each (separately)
  • Boil 3 glasses of water and let it cool down
  • Take a big pot, add all the ingredients, and water, and mix well to make a paste.
  • Lastly, add mango pieces to it and mix well.
  • Transfer this mixture to a clay or glass jar and place the lid tightly.
  • Keep it in a dark place for three days.

6. Mango Sweet Pickle


  • 1 kg Sour green mango pieces
  • 100 gm Red chili powder (Three mango brand)
  • 200 gm Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 100 gm mustard powder
  • 5 tsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp Fenugreek powder
  • 800 gm jaggery
  • 150 gm sesame powder


  • Choose sour green mangoes. Wash and cut them into cubes. Remove seeds inside. Again, wash and drain them and keep them aside.
  • Make sure they are dry. If needed, use the cloth piece to make them dry.
  • Dry roast cumin, sesame, and fenugreek separately and make a fine powder of each (separately)
  • Take a big pot, add all the ingredients, jaggery, and mango pieces, and mix well.
  • Transfer this mixture to a clay or glass jar and place the lid tightly.
  • Keep it in a dark place for three days.

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