Dosa is a fermented pancake made with rice (carbohydrate) and black gram (protein). The fermentation increases the bioavailability of nutrients and replenishes the microflora of the digestive tract.


  • 2 cups of any type of rice
  • 1 cup urad dal (black gram)
  • 1 tsp methi (fenugreek) seeds
  • Salt
  • Oil


  • Put rice in a bowl, rinse well and cover with 4 cups of cold water. Put urad dal and fenugreek seeds in a small bowl, rinse well and add cold water to cover. Leave both to soak for 4 to 6 hours or overnight.
  • Drain rice and dal-fenugreek mixture in separate colanders. Put rice in a food processor, blender, or wet-dry grinder. Add 1 cup of water and grind to a smooth paste. Repeat the process with the dal-fenugreek mixture.
  • Combine the two pastes in a mixing bowl. Whisk together, adding enough water to obtain a medium-thick batter. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and set it in a warm place. Let it ferment until the surface is bubbly, about 8 hours. Stir in the salt. Use the batter straight away or refrigerate for later use. (Batter will keep for up to a week, refrigerated. Thin with water if necessary before proceeding.)
  • To make dosas, heat a pan over medium heat.
  • Brush with about 1 teaspoon of oil.
  • Pour one ladle of batter into the center of the griddle. Using the bottom of the ladle, quickly spread the batter outward in a circular motion as shown in the video.
  • Drizzle some oil over the top.
  • Cook dosa batter to brown on the bottom. Cook on one side only.
  • With a spatula, carefully loosen the dosa from the griddle. The bottom should be crisp and beautifully browned.
  • Serve with coconut chutney. Click here for the recipe: Coconut Chutney

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